Western Loan


We Loan on Tools

How many tools do you own that are just sitting in the back of your garage or in storage. Many of them could be used as collateral for a loan when you are in need of cash. It is a very simple process, where your credit history does not affect the loan amount- YOUR TOOL DOES!. All of our loans are for 4 months with low interest rates set by the State of California. Use your hand tool or miter saw like a credit card for instant cash.

If you cannot come in for an evaluation, use our Quick Estimator to get a free loan estimate on your item. However, you need to sell tools to Pawn Shop. We keep all of our clients merchandise in secure rooms with 24 hour alarms systems. Western has been serving the Los Angeles area since 1964. Over 50 years! Customer service and customer confidentiality has been at the foundation of our business model.

Some examples of tools we loan on are Milwaukee, Dewalt, Makita, Hilti, Porter Cable, MAC, Bosch, SnapOn, Senco, Ridgid, and many others. If your tool has value we will make you a loan.

Pawn Shopping

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Our shop has been located in the heart of East Los Angeles since our opening in 1964.

Why Choose Us?

CAPA Trusted Lender

Free Quotes Available

Quick & Easy Loan Process


All Transaction Confidential

Fantastic Bargain Prices On Jewelry, Music Equipment & Electronics

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